Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Hacking Mozilla.

Mozilla Hacker's Getting Started Guide

An Introduction To Hacking Mozilla.

If you find errors in this document, or if you want to contribute updated or additional sections, please contact Kai Engert.

Linking Contents

What is Mozilla?
Scope of this document
What does Netscape have to do with this?
C++ and JavaScript
NSPR - Netscape portable runtime
Object oriented programming & Modularity
XPCOM / nsISupports / nsCOMPtr
Exceptions / nsresult
Strings in C++
Graphical User Interface / XUL
Build System and Tree
Application Startup
Internal Notification System
Coding and Review Rules
Webtools / LXR / Bonsai
Finding more information

Kartoo. Searching for something cool ?

There is this cool Plug-In that really puts it there when you need it.
Check out Kartoo's step-brother

KartOO is a metasearch engine with visual display interfaces. When you click on OK, KartOO launches the query to a set of search engines, gathers the results, compiles them and represents them in a series of interactive maps through a proprietary algorithm
>>More information
Checkout Ujiko, a search engine with automatic visual classification
The more you use it, the more functions it is able to offer. It gradually mutates and new buttons appear giving you access to advanced features (search video, images, news, encylopedia, advanced filters, animated skins, web archive, traffic details...).

KartOO uses FlashPlayer to draw interactive maps. This extension is already installed on 90% of the browsers. If you cannot see the maps, please click here to install FlashPlayer.
You can also use the HTML version with results in the form of classic lists.

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(c) KartOO

Hacker Warfare. America's vulnerability exposed.

Story written by:

Vince Beiser(Wired/pbs)

How Vulnerable Is America to Online Attack?

The online assault that temporarily paralyzed the tiny Baltic nation of Estonia last spring may have been the first real battle inaugurating the era of cyber-warfare. But that attack was a relatively minor nuisance compared to what could be unleashed on the United States.

Experts are divided on how serious and how imminent the danger is, and even what form it might take. But no one disputes that our increasingly networked, digitally dependent society is vulnerable to online attacks that could have devastating real-world results. Malicious hackers and terrorist groups have already proved they can cause computer-based trouble - but the biggest threat by far is from other countries.

Estonia was hammered by a wave of what are called distributed denial of service attacks, which abundant evidence suggests were launched by Russian nationalists furious at the Estonian government's plans to take down a Soviet war memorial. In a DDoS attack, hackers use "botnets" - networks of surreptitiously commandeered computers - to bombard a target Web site with bogus requests for information, overwhelming its host computer and forcing the site to shut down.

The digital siege of Estonia was the first time that the Web sites of an entire country's government, media, and banking institutions had simultaneously come under such an attack. But DDoS onslaughts have been used many times for political ends. A rash of them hit American government sites after NATO bombed the Chinese Embassy in the former Yugoslavia in 1999. Hackers on both sides have struck enemy Web sites during the conflicts in Kashmir, Kosovo, Israel/Palestine, and elsewhere. Commercial sites are even more frequently targeted: In 2000, DDoS attacks by still-unknown assailants briefly shut down the Web sites of eBay, Amazon.com, and Yahoo.

"Today, if I want to attack some site, I can rent the botnet to do it and even hire someone to run the attack for me."

Jeffrey Hunker, chief of digital security for the Clinton administration

Wreaking such online havoc doesn't require much technical know-how. "Since 1999 we've seen the rise of a very sophisticated cyber underworld," says Jeffrey Hunker, chief of digital security for the Clinton administration. "Today, if I want to attack some site, I can rent the botnet to do it and even hire someone to run the attack for me."

Ultimately, though, all a DDoS attack can do is close down a website. That's penny-ante stuff compared to what could happen if hackers broke into the computers controlling parts of the national infrastructure and turned them into weapons - by opening a dam's floodgates, for instance, or shutting down an electric grid.

Breaking into those kinds of complex, digitally protected systems is far more difficult than just lobbing a DDoS attack at a Web site. But it can be done. In fact, it's already happened: In the last 10 years, hackers have shut down the air traffic communication system at a Massachusetts airport, taken control of the software that regulates the flow of natural gas in Russian pipelines, turned off the safety monitoring system at an Ohio nuclear plant, and forced a water treatment facility in Australia to dump thousands of gallons of raw sewage into local creeks.

A serious cyberattacker might launch similar such disruptions not instead of a conventional attack, but on top of one. "If you set off a bomb and then take down the phone systems, that would do a lot to add to the panic," says Clay Wilson, a specialist in technology and national defense with the Congressional Research Service.

Still, at this point, the possibility of a terrorist group like al Qaeda launching an attack through the Internet seems relatively remote. Such outfits do use the Net extensively to recruit members and spread propaganda, and there have been countless picayune attacks on Western Web sites by hackers claiming to be "e-jihadists." But no major terrorist outfit seems to have developed the skills to do much more than that - or perhaps just hasn't bothered to use them. "Terrorists' efforts are focused on explosives and other physical attacks," says Dorothy Denning, a cybersecurity expert at the Naval Postgraduate School. "That's where the emotional appeal comes from. You go to heaven for being a martyr. I don't know what you get for attacking Web sites."

The biggest potential threat is from other nations that have the human and technical resources to develop serious offensive digital capabilities. Russia, China and other countries acknowledge they are developing cyberwarfare methods (as is the US, of course). With that in mind, many of America's most critical government and military computer systems are kept physically disconnected from the Internet to keep them out of the reach of online intruders. Most of the rest are well protected, experts generally agree - but nothing's foolproof. "All systems run on software, and all software has defects and vulnerabilities," Hunker says.

Indeed, in 1998 US officials discovered that systems at NASA, the Pentagon and other federal agencies were being accessed from a computer in Russia. In 2005, the FBI found hackers prowling through hard drives at a number of military bases and defense contractors. Just last summer, the Pentagon shut down one of its computer networks for several days after it was penetrated by hackers widely believed to be connected to China's People's Liberation Army. Germany, France and Britain were also hit by digital intruders allegedly working for the Chinese military.

And those are just the cases we know about. "I doubt that China's cyberwarriors are just sitting around waiting for a war to start," says Richard Clarke, former top adviser on cybersecurity to President George W. Bush. "They could be exploring our systems and planting viruses without our knowing it. The difference between that and causing real world damage is only a few keystrokes."

M.I.T. Online Computer Education.

You wouldn't believe the information available to anyone online through the M.I.T. Every course is available for download.
This is just the tip of the iceberg !!!

Electrical Engineering and Computer Science

Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science

Electrical engineering, originally taught at MIT in the Physics Department, became an independent degree program in 1882.

The Department of Electrical Engineering was formed in 1902, and occupied its new home, the Lowell Building, when MIT was still located near Copley Square in Boston. The Department dedicated its present facilities in the Sherman Fairchild Electrical Engineering and Electronics complex in fall 1973, and a year later, it recognized its growing activity in computer science by changing its name to Electrical Engineering and Computer Science. The Department's activities in computer science, communications, and control moved into the architecturally unique and exciting Ray and Maria Stata Center for Computer, Information, and Intelligence Sciences in Spring 2004.

The primary mission of the Department is the education of its students. Its three undergraduate programs attract more than 30 percent of all MIT undergraduates, and its doctoral programs are highly ranked and selective. A leader in cooperative education, the Department has operated the highly successful VI-A Internship Program since 1917. It has recently established a five-year Master of Engineering program, under which students stay for a fifth year and receive simultaneously a Bachelor's degree and a Master's of Engineering degree.

During its history faculty and students of the Department have made major, lasting research contributions, some of which have opened up entire new fields of study.

Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science links

Visit the MIT Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science home page at:

Review the MIT Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science curriculum at:

MIT Course #Course TitleTerm

6.001Structure and Interpretation of Computer ProgramsSpring 2005

6.002Circuits and ElectronicsFall 2000

6.003Signals and SystemsFall 2003

6.004Computation StructuresFall 2002

6.011Introduction to Communication, Control, and Signal ProcessingSpring 2004

6.012Microelectronic Devices and CircuitsFall 2005

6.012Microelectronic Devices and CircuitsFall 2003

6.013Electromagnetics and ApplicationsFall 2002

6.013Electromagnetics and ApplicationsFall 2005

6.021JQuantitative Physiology: Cells and TissuesFall 2004

6.022JQuantitative Physiology: Organ Transport SystemsSpring 2004
6.023JFields, Forces and Flows in Biological SystemsSpring 2007
6.024JMolecular, Cellular, and Tissue BiomechanicsFall 2006

6.025JIntroduction to Bioengineering (BE.010J)Spring 2006

6.033Computer System Engineering (SMA 5501)Spring 2005

6.034Artificial IntelligenceSpring 2005

6.034Artificial IntelligenceFall 2006

6.035Computer Language Engineering (SMA 5502)Fall 2005

6.041Probabilistic Systems Analysis and Applied ProbabilitySpring 2006

6.041Probabilistic Systems Analysis and Applied ProbabilitySpring 2005

6.042JMathematics for Computer ScienceFall 2005

6.042JMathematics for Computer ScienceSpring 2005

6.042JMathematics for Computer Science (SMA 5512)Fall 2002

6.045JAutomata, Computability, and ComplexitySpring 2005

6.046JIntroduction to Algorithms (SMA 5503)Fall 2005

6.050JInformation and EntropySpring 2003

6.071JIntroduction to Electronics, Signals, and MeasurementSpring 2006

6.090Building Programming Experience: A Lead-In to 6.001January (IAP) 2005

6.092Java Preparation for 6.170January (IAP) 2006

6.092Bioinformatics and ProteomicsJanuary (IAP) 2005

6.095JComputational Biology: Genomes, Networks, EvolutionFall 2005

6.096Algorithms for Computational BiologySpring 2005

6.097Fundamentals of Photonics: Quantum ElectronicsSpring 2006

6.101Introductory Analog Electronics LaboratoryFall 2002

6.111Introductory Digital Systems LaboratorySpring 2004

6.111Introductory Digital Systems LaboratoryFall 2002

6.152JMicro/Nano Processing TechnologyFall 2005

6.161Modern Optics Project LaboratoryFall 2005

6.163Strobe Project LaboratoryFall 2005

6.170Laboratory in Software EngineeringFall 2005

6.171Software Engineering for Web ApplicationsFall 2003

6.186Mobile Autonomous Systems LaboratoryJanuary (IAP) 2005

6.270Autonomous Robot Design CompetitionJanuary (IAP) 2005

6.302Feedback SystemsFall 2002

6.338JApplied Parallel Computing (SMA 5505)Spring 2005

6.370Robocraft Programming CompetitionJanuary (IAP) 2005

6.431Probabilistic Systems Analysis and Applied ProbabilitySpring 2006

6.431Probabilistic Systems Analysis and Applied ProbabilitySpring 2005

6.521JQuantitative Physiology: Cells and TissuesFall 2004

6.637Modern Optics Project LaboratoryFall 2005

6.801Machine VisionFall 2004

6.803The Human Intelligence EnterpriseSpring 2002

6.803The Human Intelligence EnterpriseSpring 2006

6.804JComputational Cognitive ScienceFall 2004

6.805Ethics and the Law on the Electronic FrontierFall 2005

6.806Ethics and the Law on the Electronic FrontierFall 2005

6.833The Human Intelligence EnterpriseSpring 2002

6.833The Human Intelligence EnterpriseSpring 2006

6.837Computer GraphicsFall 2003

6.857Network and Computer SecurityFall 2003

6.866Machine VisionFall 2004

6.895Computational Biology: Genomes, Networks, EvolutionFall 2005

6.901Inventions and PatentsFall 2005

6.911Transcribing Prosodic Structure of Spoken Utterances with ToBIJanuary (IAP) 2006

6.912Introduction to Copyright LawJanuary (IAP) 2006

6.930Management in EngineeringFall 2004

6.974Fundamentals of Photonics: Quantum ElectronicsSpring 2006
^ Back to top

MIT Course #Course TitleTerm

6.041Probabilistic Systems Analysis and Applied ProbabilitySpring 2006

6.041Probabilistic Systems Analysis and Applied ProbabilitySpring 2005

6.061Introduction to Electric Power SystemsSpring 2003

6.092Bioinformatics and ProteomicsJanuary (IAP) 2005

6.095JComputational Biology: Genomes, Networks, EvolutionFall 2005

6.097Fundamentals of Photonics: Quantum ElectronicsSpring 2006

6.231Dynamic Programming and Stochastic ControlFall 2002

6.241Dynamic Systems & ControlFall 2003

6.243JDynamics of Nonlinear SystemsFall 2003

6.245Multivariable Control SystemsSpring 2004

6.251JIntroduction to Mathematical ProgrammingFall 2002

6.252JNonlinear ProgrammingSpring 2003

6.252JNonlinear ProgrammingSpring 2004

6.253Convex Analysis and OptimizationSpring 2004

6.263JData Communication NetworksFall 2002

6.264JQueues: Theory and ApplicationsSpring 2006

6.281JLogistical and Transportation Planning MethodsFall 2004

6.281JLogistical and Transportation Planning MethodsFall 2006

6.301Solid-State CircuitsSpring 2003

6.331Advanced Circuit TechniquesSpring 2002

6.334Power ElectronicsSpring 2003

6.336JIntroduction to Numerical Simulation (SMA 5211)Fall 2003

6.337JIntroduction to Numerical MethodsFall 2006

6.339JNumerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations (SMA 5212)Spring 2003

6.341Discrete-Time Signal ProcessingFall 2005

6.345Automatic Speech RecognitionSpring 2003

6.370Robocraft Programming CompetitionJanuary (IAP) 2005

6.374Analysis and Design of Digital Integrated CircuitsFall 2003

6.431Probabilistic Systems Analysis and Applied ProbabilitySpring 2006

6.431Probabilistic Systems Analysis and Applied ProbabilitySpring 2005

6.432Stochastic Processes, Detection, and EstimationSpring 2004

6.435System IdentificationSpring 2005

6.436JFundamentals of ProbabilityFall 2005

6.441Transmission of InformationSpring 2003

6.443JQuantum Information ScienceSpring 2006

6.450Principles of Digital Communication - IFall 2002

6.451Principles of Digital Communication IISpring 2005

6.452Principles of Wireless CommunicationsSpring 2006

6.453Quantum Optical CommunicationFall 2004

6.524JMolecular, Cellular and Tissue Biomechanics (BE.410J)Spring 2003

6.541JSpeech CommunicationSpring 2004

6.542JLaboratory on the Physiology, Acoustics, and Perception of SpeechFall 2005

6.551JAcoustics of Speech and HearingFall 2004

6.561JFields, Forces, and Flows in Biological Systems (BE.430J)Fall 2004

6.581JFoundations of Algorithms and Computational Techniques in Systems BiologySpring 2006

6.630ElectromagneticsFall 2006

6.632Electromagnetic Wave TheorySpring 2003

6.635Advanced ElectromagnetismSpring 2003

6.637Optical Signals, Devices, and SystemsSpring 2003

6.641Electromagnetic Fields, Forces, and MotionSpring 2005

6.642Continuum ElectromechanicsFall 2004
6.651JIntroduction to Plasma Physics IFall 2006

6.651JIntroduction to Plasma Physics IFall 2003

6.661Receivers, Antennas, and SignalsSpring 2003

6.685Electric MachinesFall 2005

6.691Seminar in Electric Power SystemsSpring 2006

6.720JIntegrated Microelectronic DevicesFall 2002

6.728Applied Quantum and Statistical PhysicsFall 2006

6.730Physics for Solid-State ApplicationsSpring 2003

6.763Applied SuperconductivityFall 2005

6.772Compound Semiconductor DevicesSpring 2003

6.774Physics of Microfabrication: Front End ProcessingFall 2004

6.776High Speed Communication CircuitsSpring 2005

6.780Semiconductor ManufacturingSpring 2003

6.781JSubmicrometer and Nanometer TechnologySpring 2006

6.801Machine VisionFall 2004

6.803The Human Intelligence EnterpriseSpring 2002

6.803The Human Intelligence EnterpriseSpring 2006

6.804JComputational Cognitive ScienceFall 2004

6.821Programming LanguagesFall 2002

6.823Computer System ArchitectureFall 2005

6.824Distributed Computer SystemsFall 2002

6.825Techniques in Artificial Intelligence (SMA 5504)Fall 2002

6.826Principles of Computer SystemsSpring 2002

6.827Multithreaded Parallelism: Languages and CompilersFall 2002

6.828Operating System EngineeringFall 2006

6.829Computer NetworksFall 2002

6.830Database SystemsFall 2005

6.831User Interface Design and ImplementationFall 2004

6.833The Human Intelligence EnterpriseSpring 2002

6.833The Human Intelligence EnterpriseSpring 2006

6.834JCognitive RoboticsSpring 2005

6.837Computer GraphicsFall 2003

6.838Algorithms for Computer AnimationFall 2002
6.840JTheory of ComputationFall 2006

6.841JAdvanced Complexity TheoryFall 2001

6.844Computability Theory of and with SchemeSpring 2003

6.852JDistributed AlgorithmsFall 2005

6.854JAdvanced AlgorithmsFall 2001

6.854JAdvanced AlgorithmsFall 2005

6.855JNetwork OptimizationSpring 2003

6.856JRandomized AlgorithmsFall 2002

6.857Network and Computer SecurityFall 2003

6.859Integer Program Combination OptimizationFall 2004

6.863JNatural Language and the Computer Representation of KnowledgeSpring 2003

6.864Advanced Natural Language ProcessingFall 2005

6.866Machine VisionFall 2004

6.867Machine LearningFall 2002

6.871Knowledge-Based Applications SystemsSpring 2005

6.872JEngineering Biomedical Information: From Bioinformatics to BiosurveillanceFall 2005

6.872JMedical ComputingSpring 2003

6.873JMedical Decision SupportSpring 2003

6.873JMedical Decision SupportFall 2005

6.874JComputational Functional GenomicsSpring 2005

6.875Cryptography and CryptanalysisSpring 2005

6.876JAdvanced Topics in CryptographySpring 2003

6.877JComputational Evolutionary BiologyFall 2005

6.881Representation and Modeling for Image AnalysisSpring 2005

6.883Pervasive Human Centric Computing (SMA 5508)Spring 2006

6.883Program AnalysisFall 2005

6.884Complex Digital SystemsSpring 2005

6.891Computational Evolutionary BiologyFall 2004

6.892Computational Models of DiscourseSpring 2004

6.895Essential Coding TheoryFall 2004

6.895Theory of Parallel Systems (SMA 5509)Fall 2003

6.895Computational Biology: Genomes, Networks, EvolutionFall 2005

6.896Theory of Parallel Hardware (SMA 5511)Spring 2004

6.897Selected Topics in CryptographySpring 2004

6.911Transcribing Prosodic Structure of Spoken Utterances with ToBIJanuary (IAP) 2006

6.933JThe Structure of Engineering RevolutionsFall 2001
6.938Engineering Risk-Benefit AnalysisSpring 2007

6.946JClassical Mechanics: A Computational ApproachFall 2002

6.972Algebraic Techniques and Semidefinite OptimizationSpring 2006

6.972Game Theory and Mechanism DesignSpring 2005

6.973Organic OptoelectronicsSpring 2003

6.974Fundamentals of Photonics: Quantum ElectronicsSpring 2006

6.976High Speed Communication Circuits and SystemsSpring 2003

6.977Semiconductor Optoelectronics: Theory and DesignFall 2002

6.977Ultrafast OpticsSpring 2005

6.978JCommunications and Information PolicySpring 2006

6.979Introduction to Electric Power SystemsSpring 2003
^ Back to top

Monday, November 26, 2007

Head To Head. Ubuntu vs Vista

I ordered Ubuntu Live CD, and there it sat for nearly 2 months before I tossed it in the drive to check it out. I Remember thinking how Linux would be like some foreign language. I was shocked to find it all common sense yes no check boxes just like most anything else I'd ever seen in my life. And even more shocked to find the instant difference in speed. PDF files literally fly open like a webpage. Large size areas such as maps or large photos, you are able to coast around without choking and shuddering like Windows. Performance is definitely Ubuntu's primary role in society.
Here is a good head to head match up Ubuntu vs Vista.

Ubuntu Linux
The Ubuntu install process can work automatically (i.e., erase and repartition an entire hard drive as needed), or you can manually edit partitions.

Windows Vista
Vista's setup process is mostly automatic; however, there are some disk-management tools if you need them and the highly useful ability to load drivers for storage devices from removable disks.

(click image for larger view)

The Ubuntu install process can work automatically (i.e., erase and repartition an entire hard drive as needed), or you can manually edit partitions.

view the image gallery

(click image for larger view)

Vista's setup process is mostly automatic; however, there are some useful disk-management tools if you need them.

view the image gallery

Sunday, November 18, 2007

Browsing Around Town.

I was originally going to do a website of mine using all flash after seeing some of the way it can really add life to a site. Pbs science and tech show "Wired" is done almost entirely in flash and is a great example. Anyways here are a few of my favorites most of them in flash, and a few I threw in that weren't. But all worthy of a "Bookmark".
  1. WiredPbs show
  2. Kartoo Search(plug-in avail)
  3. Ugiko(Kartoo's amigo)
  4. The Cool Hunter
  5. StreetviewrGoogle's
  6. Flashface. Build a "Mugshot"
  7. BigString. The coolest Email around.
  8. FlamingText:Graphics Factory
  9. Digg's Podcast collection.
  10. Harvard's Comp. Science 101

Make a Podcast.

Editing audio in Audacity

How a podcast is created
For those who want to learn a bit more about podcasting, here are the steps using just an ipod to create the podcast. It uses an ipod, but you can use just any Mp3 player with a voice recorder or anything actually. Many Digital cameras have voice recording capabilities now also. Just about anything will work using this method. Enjoy!!!
  1. Attach microphone to iPod, set iPod on table, press record.
  2. Give your desired "broadcast" presentation....
  3. Press stop, remove microphone from iPod, return to office.
  4. Plug iPod into computer and upload voice memo to iTunes.
  5. Copy audio file from iTunes to podcasts folder on computer.
  6. Open file in Audacity.
  7. Edit recording. Listen to recording, adjusting volume and noise reduction as appropriate.
  8. Export file in .mp3 format.
  9. Import .mp3 file into iTunes.
  10. Listen to random parts of the file in iTunes to make sure it doesn't sound too horrible.
  11. With the file selected, choose "Get Info" from the iTunes file menu.
  12. Select the "Info" tab and add any necessary information such as the name of the podcast, the artist, etc. You can also add artwork using the "artwork" tab. Click O.K.
  13. Drag a copy of the newly edited .mp3 file back to your podcast folder.
  14. Upload this version of the file to your blog using the upload file feature (what you would use to upload an image or .pdf file)
  15. If this is your first podcast, go to the templates page of your blog and open the file named rss20.xml. <$MTEntryEnclosures$> should appear immediately following in the file. If it is not already there, just paste it in, then save and rebuild the file.
  16. Create a new entry with a link to the .mp3 file. Once the entry has been saved users will be able to download or listen to the file from your site, through iTunes, or through other means.

That's pretty much all there is to it. Just remember to only include 1 podcastable item (audio, video or pdf) per entry.

Friday, November 16, 2007

Spoof a Ubuntu Linux look on Windows XP

Start with the visual style, if you haven’t already install Uxtheme Multipatcher, this will remove the limitations on your system, in order to install new themes. Then download the Human Visual Style Ubuntu Linux.

Go to C:\Windows\Resources\Themes and safe your download theme in there.

Now right click on your Desktop and click on Properties. Go to Appearance and select Human as the theme.

Now change the icons, first install Icontweaker,after that install Ubuntu Icontweaker theme.

Next, change the wallpaper on your desktop, get the Ubuntu wallpaper Here or Here.

To replace the icons for Windows Explorer, first install Styler toolbar(free), get the Ubuntu Human Theme for Styler.

Now get the famous Ubuntu Cursor

Now, what everybody wants. The alternative to Beryl on Linux. Get it Here, and get that “3D CUBE” effect.

To change the boot screen download BootSkin (it’s free): Get it Here.
And download the Ubuntu Bootskin:

To get Ubuntu Logon screen go here.

For Mozilla Firefox Web Browser, you can install the Ubuntu Theme, for Thunderbird or Dapper Retouched for Opera.

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Less Resources using Google and other Online tools

When you're running down all your favorite Firefox Extensions and Add-Ons coming off a fresh P.I.M.P.'ed* out desktop Install you'll discover that with a bit of creativity Google can open doors for you that maybe you never knew were there. The advantage is how much system space and clutter you can avoid, just by knowing the main Google Hacks. I know lots of people think "ah that's old" or total Noob. But one look on Answers, or more appropriately Google's version "Ask" and it doesn't take long to answer any one of those questions off the board using simple Google hacks. It's not someone being lazy, because Google's results come back in seconds. Many Firefox extensions that used to be my must haves are no longer needed. And that leaves my final browser light as a feather! Example you must know this standard Google Cheat Sheet. In it instead of needing a dictionary, Google does it all for you if "phrased" correctly. Define:andtheword or glossary:withentry , Google is a calculater, money exchange rates, UPS,FedEX,USPS package delivery tracker, car VIN, Patent numbers, and the list goes on. The fact of the matter is Google is a powerful monster that could easily have turned evil, but instead has remained sort of a "Chaotic Good" A champion of whats good and Open Source, and most above all a model Capitalist Winner! Google has figured out a way to open more venues of free education and resources then any other 10 combined. And get filthy Rich in the process. I say hats off to them. Let's not leave out what Google brings to the table in terms of "Hacking". Okay yea yea I know this is old, and "everybody's seen it" but I'm telling you not every body has. This is my favorite for checking out cool cameras around the world,

Go to Google. In the search bar type in:
inurl:"viewerframe?mode refresh"
3.Then go to any of the search results and boom, take control over the camera, move it around, change the setting's...
Tip: Try the camera at a place called The Poochie Pool huba huba
Here are more google hacks for security cams:
inurl:indexFrame.shtml Axis
intitle:snc-rz30 inurl:home/
intitle:"supervisioncam protocol"
intitle:liveapplet inurl:LvAppl
intitle:"Live View / - AXIS"
intitle:"EvoCam" inurl:"webcam.html"
intitle:"Live NetSnap Cam-Server feed"
intitle:"Live View / - AXIS 206M"
intitle:"Live View / - AXIS 210"
inurl:indexFrame.shtml Axis
intitle:start inurl:cgistart
intitle:"WJ-NT104 Main Page"
intext:"MOBOTIX D10" intext:"Open Menu"
intitle:snc-z20 inurl:home/
intitle:"sony network camera snc-p1"
site:.viewnetcam.com -www.viewnetcam.com
intitle:"Toshiba Network Camera" user login
intitle:"netcam live image"
intitle:"i-Catcher Console - Web Monitor"
"Kamerainformationen anzeigen"
intitle:"AXIS 2100 Network Camera Axis 2100 Network Camera 2.02"
Welcome Technorati !!
Technorati Profile
A good Resource is the Sans Cheat Sheet