Sunday, November 18, 2007

Browsing Around Town.

I was originally going to do a website of mine using all flash after seeing some of the way it can really add life to a site. Pbs science and tech show "Wired" is done almost entirely in flash and is a great example. Anyways here are a few of my favorites most of them in flash, and a few I threw in that weren't. But all worthy of a "Bookmark".
  1. WiredPbs show
  2. Kartoo Search(plug-in avail)
  3. Ugiko(Kartoo's amigo)
  4. The Cool Hunter
  5. StreetviewrGoogle's
  6. Flashface. Build a "Mugshot"
  7. BigString. The coolest Email around.
  8. FlamingText:Graphics Factory
  9. Digg's Podcast collection.
  10. Harvard's Comp. Science 101

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